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Should I/We Move To Key West?

You are asking the BIG question, whether you are posing that life-changing question to God, The Universe, The Angels, The Magic 8 Ball* TM, The I Ching, or to whomever/whatever you’re asking the question!

Should I (or We) Move To Key West? Should I (or We) Relocate To Key West Florida?

The answer is “YES, of course!” (Maybe… you did not land here by accident or by chance, it was meant to be!)

God would say; “Go forth My Son (or Daughter) and live in paradise, in Key West!”

The Universe would say; “Go and enjoy until the Sun burns out.”

The Angels would say; “Faithful child, move and live a serene and peaceful existence.”

The Magic 8 Ball* TM, would say; “It is decidedly so!”

The I Ching would say; “It is favorable to find friends in the west and south. Quiet perseverance brings good fortune.”

Actually, YOU should simply be the one to decide whether or not you want to move to Key West, and if you’re married or partnered, then you and your spouse or partner should just decide together!

Key West is awesome!

Millions of people enjoy visiting here every year, and millions wish they could live here!

Maybe YOU can!

Just make up your mind, start making your plans, and while you’re at it,

contact our team of experts  for some advice, assistance,

and answers to your home-buying questions!



* The Magic 8–Ball is a toy used for fortune-telling or seeking advice, developed in the 1950s and manufactured by Mattel. It is often used in fiction since the answer can sometimes be accurate, inaccurate, or statistically improbable.

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